Disney BRDF

Implementation of the Disney principled BRDF

https://manabernardes.com/2024/nx9je8zttdi After reading the papers from the 2012 siggraph shading courses I really wanted to try the BRDF described by Disney. It’s possible to use the awesomeopen source tool BRDF explorer, but I really wanted to try it in my own renderer.

You can download it here: PBRViewer.

https://mmopage.com/news/3c5hx42um In his talk, Brent Burley describe the BRDF adopted by Disney and used for every materials in Wreck-it Ralph, except for hairs. He also explain how they come up with this BRDF, the tools they used, etc. The course notes are full of informations, it’s really something anyone interested in physically based shading should read.


https://equinlab.com/2024/01/18/t6jx7gtt I already wrote a bit about the Disney BRDF in a previous post, but I’ll just remind the set of rules they choose to follow:

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  1. Use intuitive rather than physical parameters.
  2. Use as few parameters as possible.
  3. Paramters should be zero to one, remapped over their plausible range.
  4. Parameters should be allowed to be pushed beyond their plausible range where it makes sense.
  5. All combinations of parameters should be as robust and plausible as possible.

https://www.justoffbase.co.uk/uncategorized/inkwn7i4nd The BRDF is defined by a base color, and 10 scalar parameters:

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  • Subsurface
  • Metallic
  • Specular
  • Specular tint
  • Roughness
  • Anisotropic
  • Sheen
  • Sheen tint
  • Clearcoat
  • Clearcoat gloss

Buy Alprazolam Online From India They are described in the slides, and in the viewer it’s easy to see the impact of each parameters on the shading.

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https://space1026.com/2024/01/w9u2gzdx2 That’s a lot of parameters more than what we can afford in our games, and even if they are quite easy to understand it’s still a bit overwhelming at first. But on the other hand it gives a lot of control.

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Disney principled BRDF
The anisotropic parameter

The anisotropic parameter is really cool, and it’s something that could be great in a game (but it’s tricky to implement as it requires the tangent and binormal in the GBuffer). In my implementation it looks a bit strange because it should change the specular reflection. I need to work on that.


https://www.prehistoricsoul.com/zwiyy2h The sheen parameter is very subtle in BRDF explorer, and I’m not sure it’s working at all in my implementation. I’ll need to check  that, and I will upload a new version if I found a bug.


Buy Xanax Powder I added this BRDF in my renderer as a new workflow. Unlike the metallic and specular workflow the “Disney” workflow use a completly different code path, so the normal distribution, fresnel and visibility terms can’t be changed.

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Disney principled BRDF
Subsurface parameter from 0 to 1

Buy Actavis Valium Online Textures are not supported yet for the disney’s parameters, only base color, normal roughness and metallic textures are supported for now. I’ll add the other parameters later.

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The updated version of PBRViewer can be found here.

https://www.ngoc.org.uk/uncategorized/future-events/mabaryolrbz As always, if you have any feedback, feel free to contact me !


3 thoughts on “Implementation of the Disney principled BRDF

  1. Hey, I found this site while looking around for information on the Disney BRDF, mostly with regards to making sense of the clearcoat term. Anyhow, thanks for the great demo and shader code.


    https://gungrove.com/m7junpn Could you tell me where you found the Schlick attenuation with regards to roughness? I was missing that term, but it cleaned up that edge haze I was getting on very rough objects that looked out of place. I was wondering if this was a physically derived term or just something that looks good in practice.


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